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1 in 5, really?

More than 1 in 5 children have experienced food insecurity in the last 12 months. But what does that actually mean?


Foodbank’s Rumbling Tummies Report estimates "at least once a week, 18% of children from food insecure households go to school without eating breakfast, 15% go to school without a packed lunch or lunch money and 11% go to bed without eating any dinner".

As we know the drought is hitting farmers hard, none mo re so in Goulburn NSW. I met one young man on the streets of Goulburn who told me “many kids in Goulburn go without food. Instead of worrying about what I was going to learn I was worried about when I can get food next.”

The Superhero Walk is going to make sure 2,000 kids in Goulburn get a breakfast and lunch before they go to school this year.

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